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Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Mining, Land and Water

Water Rights Map User Guide

banner image on KRPUA

Toolbar Controls

The toolbar provides the basic navigation controls to move about the map. To see a description of each button, float the mouse cursor over the button for a couple of seconds and the description will pop up. From left to right across the toolbar, the functions are:

select button icon
Select: Allows you to choose items on the map. You may hold your mouse over any area on the map and view a description in the status bar. When you Mouse-over an asset youare presented with a brief description of its statistics.
pan button icon
Pan: Select this button and a hand will appear in the application. Clicking on the map allows you to grab and drag to your area of interest.
zoom-in button icon
Zoom In: Selecting this button and then single-clicking anywhere on the map zooms the application in by a factor of 2 centered on where you clicked. In addition to single clicking, you can zoom to your area of interest by clicking, holding, and dragging a boundary box around your area of interest, then releasing the mouse button.
zoom-out button icon
Zoom Out: Selecting this button and then single-clicking anywhere on the map zooms the application out by a factor of 2 centered on where you clicked.
zoom previous button icon
Zoom Previous: Selecting this button zooms the application to your previous view.
zoom all button icon
Zoom All: Expands or contracts your current general area map to fill the entire viewing area.
zoom scale button icon
Zoom Scale: Opens a dialog box allowing the user to enter the map scale to zoom to.
zoom go to button icon
Zoom Go To: You can use the Zoom Go To dialog box to zoom to a location, such as a specific Township or Section. More advanced use is detailed below.
Overview Map button icon
Overview Map: Takes you out to the World Map view.
Get Distance button icon
Get Distance: Displays on-the-fly distances between selected points in the current map units. right-click ends the command, double-clicking also ends the command but shows total trip distance in Miles and Kilometers.
Clear Selected button icon
Clear Selected: If you have objects in the map that are highlighted, use this button to remove the highlighting and de-select them.
Print Map button icon
Print Map: Opens a dialog box allowing the user to print the current map display.
Toggle Legend button icon
Toggle Legend: Using this option will enable the layer legend on the left-hand side of the map to be visible or not. The default is off.
Toggle Layer Groups button icon
Toggle Layer Groups: Using this option will expand or contract the layer legend on the left-hand side of the map. By expanding the legend you have greater control over which features are displayed in the map window.
Query button icon
Query: Using this option will activate the link to DNR's Oracle Database, enabling you to make queries.
Help button icon
Help: Selecting this button opens this document for viewing.
Stop Map Loading button icon
Stop Map Loading: If, for any reason, you would like to cancel the map from loading, select this button.

Right Click Functions

right click menu example
In addition to panning and reloading the map window, the following functions are available by right clicking anywhere on the map.
Printing: Page setup and print options. Under page setup, you can give the printout a title and optionally choose to print Legend, Scale Bar, North Arrow, URL or Date and Time. You can also choose to plot at a certain scale or Fit to Page.
Copy: Copy and copy as URL. Copying copies the current map window into your Windows clipboard allowing you to paste it into other applications. If you copy the URL (universal resource locator, or what you see in the address window of your browser), you can essentially save your current map window settings in URL format. Or, you can forward this URL on to somebody else so they can look at the same area you were.
Zoom: These are essentially the same commands you have available through the toolbar but some of them have different names. Zoom is "Zoom In" and Out is "Zoom Out".
Bookmarks: You can save map window views with a name that you specify. This allows you to go to a view that you have saved in a previous session. Do not confuse these MapGuide bookmarks with Netscape bookmarks.
Select: You can select map objects for the purpose of zooming to the selected objects or to generate reports in the case of parcels. Using the Select Objects option, a dialog box will appear. This will show all visible and selectable layers and the objects on those layers. Highlight object(s) in the right hand box to select them. You can also select by drawing a circle with a radius, by windowing the objects, or by drawing a polygon. To select or deselect additional objects, hold down the shift key while selecting. The select within option, allows you to select only objects that fall within a polygon contained on another layer. Lastly, the clear option un-highlights all selected objects.
View: The only option here isthe same as the get distance function available on the Tool Bar.
Help: The help menu is always a good place to go for general assistance. Using Preferences, you can customize your map menu to some degree. You have the option to display your map units in the lower left corner of the map in either feet or latitude-longitude as you move your mouse around the map. You can also choose to turn off the width and scale displays and to change the object selection mode from only objects within the drawn window (centroid) or objects that cross the drawn window (intersection). Also available is the Generic MapGuide Viewer Help Documents.

Advanced Use of Zoom Go To

Zoom Go To

You can use the Zoom GoTo dialog box to zoom to a location, such as a specific Township or Section, Quarter Million Quadrangle or Inch to the Mile Quadrangle.

Here's How:

Select the Zoom GoTo buttom from the toolbar.

Change the Category by clicking on the down arrow at the right of the display box and selecting an option from the list.

Specify the location you want to Zoom to.

If you have Selected:

1:250,000 - QMQ   Quarter Million Quadrangles

Type all or just the first few letters of the Quadrangle name and click on OK. If you type the entire quad name the map will Zoom to that quad. If you type only a portion of the name a list of quads that start with the letters you typed will be displayed. Select the quad you wish to zoom to by single clicking on the quad name in the list then clicking on OK or double clicking on the name.

1:63,360 Quads - ITM   Inch to the Mile Quadrangles

Type the entire quad name followed by the the ITM designation (A-1, B-6, D-4, etc.) or just the first few characters of the quad name. Click on OK. If you have entered the quad name and designation correctly the map will Zoom to the area you specified. If you have typed just a few characters, a list of locations that match your text will be displayed for you to choose from. Double click on the name in the list.

Section (c014n042e15)   Meridian,Township, Range & Section

To zoom to a particular Section you must enter the MTRS in the location field in the following format. Meridian = 1 character, followed by the Township which must be 4 characters (013n), Range which must also be 4 characters (003w) and the Section which must be 2 characters (02). For example to Zoom to the Umiat 10 Townsip 20 north Range 15 east, Section 2. Type the following in the location field: u010n015e02 Then click on OK. It does not matter if you type the letters in upper or lower case.

Township (c014n042e)   Meridian,Township, Range

To zoom to a particular Township you must enter the MTR in the location field in the following format. Meridian = 1 character, followed by the Township which must be 4 characters (013n) and Range which must also be 4 characters (003w). For example to Zoom to the Umiat 10 Townsip 20 north Range 15 east Type the following in the location field: u010n015e Then click on OK. It does not matter if you type the letters in upper or lower case.

Final Note

Regardless of the option you select, if the system cannot find the text you specified in the appropriate database, MapGuide will display a message that it is "Unable to locate matching feature(s)". If you receive this message, try your ZoomGoTo again. The location information you typed will be still be displayed.

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